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Dania Figueroa

About Me

Dania obtained her bachelors from Wellesley College, majoring in Biochemistry and minoring in Italian Studies. Immediately after, she moved to Montana, where she did a 2 year postbac in the Virus Ecology Unit at the Rocky Mountain Labs (NIAID/NIH). Having gained a greater appreciation for the types of qeustions she's interested in pursuing, she is joining the Micribiology MTA. Dania is also highly passionate about fostering diversity and inclusivity in STEM and hopes to continue to work towards this goal at Sinai. For fun outside of lab, Dania can be found knitting or dancing away.         
GRADUATE STUDENT | Graduate Students
Research Topics

Antibiotic Resistance, Coronavirus, Ebola Virus, Infectious Disease, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, RNA, Viruses and Virology

Multi-Disciplinary Training Areas

Microbiology [MIC]

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