We are conducting both basic and applied research in the biology of cancer cells. We are investigating the clinical utility of three tumor marker: 1) phosphorylated histone H1 (collaboration with Dr. Kohtz, Pathology); 2) glucose transporter GLUT-1 (collaboration with Dr. Haber, Medicine); 3) a ras-oncogene-induced 31kd vesicle protein (collaboration with Dr.Hanson, Pathology). These markers appear to be of clinical value in the diagnosis and management of colon, ovarian, and breast cancer, and in body-cavity effusions. We are investigating applications in these and other malignancies such as bladder carcinoma. We are also investigating mechanisms of tumor growth suppression mediated by growth factors such as nerve growth factor, and by signal transduction-regulating proteins. The aim is to uncover new diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic advances in cancer and other diseases which result from aberrant cell proliferation.