David Coun, MD
Internal Medicine, Primary Care
About Me
Please be advised that David Coun, MD is not accepting new patients into his practice at this time.
As of Monday September 19 2022, Dr. Coun will be practicing at Mount Sinai Doctors- 55 E34 Street.
David Coun, MD is a board-certified primary care doctor at Mount Sinai Doctors, seeing patients Wednesdays and Thursdays in Midtown Manhattan. Trained in Newark and New York City, he is certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine. After majoring in Spanish Literature at Cornell, he was awarded his medical degree from Rutgers Medical School and completed his residency in Internal Medicine at NY Medical College-St. Vincent’s Medical Center. Prior to joining Mount Sinai Doctors, Dr. Coun worked for NYC Health and Hospitals for over 15 years. During that time, he served as an Assistant Professor of Medicine at NYU School of Medicine, where he was a regular lecturer, seminar leader, and clinical educator for both students and resident physicians. Dr. Coun has lectured regularly on various topics, including smoking cessation, prostatic conditions, EKG review, and physician communication skills. He has also volunteered for Physicians for Human Rights. He has a particular interest in prevention, mental health disorders, and smoking cessation, as well as, the intersection between mental health and chronic medical conditions. He is also the Medical Director at Mount Sinai Doctors, 55 E34 Street and at Mount Sinai Doctors, Business Health.
Hospital Affiliations
- Mount Sinai Beth Israel
- Mount Sinai Brooklyn
- Mount Sinai Queens
- The Mount Sinai Hospital
About Me
Please be advised that David Coun, MD is not accepting new patients into his practice at this time.
As of Monday September 19 2022, Dr. Coun will be practicing at Mount Sinai Doctors- 55 E34 Street.
David Coun, MD is a board-certified primary care doctor at Mount Sinai Doctors, seeing patients Wednesdays and Thursdays in Midtown Manhattan. Trained in Newark and New York City, he is certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine. After majoring in Spanish Literature at Cornell, he was awarded his medical degree from Rutgers Medical School and completed his residency in Internal Medicine at NY Medical College-St. Vincent’s Medical Center. Prior to joining Mount Sinai Doctors, Dr. Coun worked for NYC Health and Hospitals for over 15 years. During that time, he served as an Assistant Professor of Medicine at NYU School of Medicine, where he was a regular lecturer, seminar leader, and clinical educator for both students and resident physicians. Dr. Coun has lectured regularly on various topics, including smoking cessation, prostatic conditions, EKG review, and physician communication skills. He has also volunteered for Physicians for Human Rights. He has a particular interest in prevention, mental health disorders, and smoking cessation, as well as, the intersection between mental health and chronic medical conditions. He is also the Medical Director at Mount Sinai Doctors, 55 E34 Street and at Mount Sinai Doctors, Business Health.
Hospital Affiliations
- Mount Sinai Beth Israel
- Mount Sinai Brooklyn
- Mount Sinai Queens
- The Mount Sinai Hospital