Deborah R Korenstein
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Deborah R Korenstein, MD

Internal Medicine

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About Me

Deborah Korenstein, MD, FACP is the Senior Medical Director of Mount Sinai Solutions. In this role she oversees Mount Sinai’s on-site and near-site health centers that provide care to patients affiliated with business customers and serves as clinical lead for Mount Sinai Solutions’ other health care innovations for improving value for our customers. Dr. Korenstein’s academic and educational interests include reducing overused or unnecessary services to improve care quality and value, optimizing management of conflicts of interest, and evidence-based health care and education. Prior to her role with Mount Sinai Solutions, Dr. Korenstein was Chief of the General Medicine Service and the Director of Clinical Appropriateness at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. She is a past Chair of the Society of General Internal Medicine EBM Task Force, served at the American College of Physicians as Editor-in-Chief of ACP Smart Medicine, an evidence-based clinical decision support tool, and is currently a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of General Internal Medicine.

English, French, Spanish
PROFESSOR | Medicine, General Internal Medicine
Hospital Affiliations
  • Mount Sinai Queens
  • The Mount Sinai Hospital