George W Huntley

George W Huntley, PhD

About Me

Administrative Roles:


Research Interests:

  • Synaptic, cellular and behavioral plasticity in mouse models of autism and Parkinson's disease
  • Development of cortical and striatal connectivity
  • Role of cell adhesion molecules in establishing connectivity and function

Dr. Huntley's laboratory uses multidisciplinary approaches to investigate mechanisms through which strength and organization of synaptic connection are modified during development and throughout adulthood by experience or by genetic mutations that lead to autism or Parkinson's disease.


PROFESSOR | Neuroscience
Research Topics

Anatomy, Autism, Axon Guidance, Brain, Cell Adhesion, Cerebral Cortex, Developmental Neurobiology, Electrophysiology, Extracellular Matrix, Memory, Neurophysiology, Neuroscience, Neurotransmitters, Regeneration, Synapses, Synaptic Plasticity, Synaptogenesis, Systems Neuroscience

Multi-Disciplinary Training Areas

Development Regeneration and Stem Cells [DRS], Neuroscience [NEU]