Goran Bajic, PhD
About Me
My research interests have always focused on understanding molecular mechanisms underlying basic questions in biology.
I am a structural biologist with a particular interest in immune recognition of viral pathogens.
My lab currently studies B cell receptor signaling complexes as well as how antibodies recognize viruses. We use integrative structural biology approaches - cryo-EM and X-ray crystallography - combined with biochemistry, immunology and virology techniques.
Lab website:
Research Topics
Antibody Development, Antigen Presentation, B Cells, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Coronavirus, Immunoglobulin Genes, Immunology, Infectious Disease, Inflammation, Influenza Virus, Membrane Proteins/Channels, Molecular Biology, Protein Complexes, Protein Structure/Function, Structural Biology, V(D)J recombination, Vaccine Development, Viruses and Virology
Multi-Disciplinary Training Areas
Disease Mechanisms and Therapeutics (DMT), Immunology [IMM], Microbiology [MIC]
About Me
My research interests have always focused on understanding molecular mechanisms underlying basic questions in biology.
I am a structural biologist with a particular interest in immune recognition of viral pathogens.
My lab currently studies B cell receptor signaling complexes as well as how antibodies recognize viruses. We use integrative structural biology approaches - cryo-EM and X-ray crystallography - combined with biochemistry, immunology and virology techniques.
Lab website:
Research Topics
Antibody Development, Antigen Presentation, B Cells, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Coronavirus, Immunoglobulin Genes, Immunology, Infectious Disease, Inflammation, Influenza Virus, Membrane Proteins/Channels, Molecular Biology, Protein Complexes, Protein Structure/Function, Structural Biology, V(D)J recombination, Vaccine Development, Viruses and Virology
Multi-Disciplinary Training Areas
Disease Mechanisms and Therapeutics (DMT), Immunology [IMM], Microbiology [MIC]