Inge Winter-Van Rossum, PhD
About Me
During her first six years at the Medical Department of Eli Lilly (NL), Inge obtained extensive experience in clinical trial design and project management, focusing on Phase I and III studies in psychiatry. The next four years, she combined a position as Medical Liaison on Zyprexa/ZypAdhera, collaborating with key opinion leaders, with a successful PhD study in bipolar disorder. Inge currently leads a group at UMCU of 12 researchers, co-authors on papers in internationally renowned journals, has obtained several research grants as part of international Consortium applications and acts as co-promotor of three PhD students. In addition, she also manages 3 worldwide clinical trials in the field of psychosis through an honorary associate professor position at King’s College in London. As of Oct 1, 2020, she is involved in the leadership team of a large NIMH funded project (U24) through an associate professor position at Mount Sinai in New York.
Research Topics
Autism, Neuroscience, Psychiatry, Schizophrenia
Download the CVAbout Me
During her first six years at the Medical Department of Eli Lilly (NL), Inge obtained extensive experience in clinical trial design and project management, focusing on Phase I and III studies in psychiatry. The next four years, she combined a position as Medical Liaison on Zyprexa/ZypAdhera, collaborating with key opinion leaders, with a successful PhD study in bipolar disorder. Inge currently leads a group at UMCU of 12 researchers, co-authors on papers in internationally renowned journals, has obtained several research grants as part of international Consortium applications and acts as co-promotor of three PhD students. In addition, she also manages 3 worldwide clinical trials in the field of psychosis through an honorary associate professor position at King’s College in London. As of Oct 1, 2020, she is involved in the leadership team of a large NIMH funded project (U24) through an associate professor position at Mount Sinai in New York.
Research Topics
Autism, Neuroscience, Psychiatry, Schizophrenia
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