Joseph L Kannry, MD
Internal Medicine, Primary Care
About Me
Joseph Kannry, MD - Lead Technical Informaticist, EMR Clinical Transformation Group, Mount Sinai Health System and Professor of Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Dr. Kannry is a practicing board certified Internist at Mount Sinai’s IMA (Internal Medicine Associates). He has dual appointments in IT and Medicine at Mount Sinai Health System. Dr. Kannry is a Board Certified Clinical Informaticist and a graduate of the Yale Center for Medical Informatics, a National Library of Medicine training program in Informatics. Dr. Kannry is a frequent contributor to AMIA and HIMSS and was/is a member of the AMIA Task Force on Guidelines for the Clinical Use of Electronic Mail with Patients, AMIA Task Force on Applied Informatics, AMIA's Education Committee, AMIA’s Public Policy Committee, HIMSS’Ambulatory EMR Knowledge Resource Task Force, HL7 EHR Ambulatory Care Large Minimum Function Set: Ambulatory Care-Large, HISTP, Greater New York Hospital Association IT Steering Committee Chairman of Clinical Advisory Group for NYCLIX (New York Clinical Information Exchange), member of NYCLIX Steering Committee/Board, NYS ACP, Health Information Technology Committee, and the NYS/NYeC Collaborative Care Workgroup. Dr. Kannry was a member of the Scientific Program Committee for ITCH (Information Technology and Communications in Healthcare) 2007, the Fall 2011 AMIA Scientific Program Committee, and the 2014 iHealth Conference.
Of late he has been appointed a Contributor to the AMIA Usability Task Force which will establish a set of guiding principles and recommended policy actions related to electronic health record usability practice – design, evaluation, and testing. In 2009 he was elected Chair of the AMIA Clinical Information System Working Group (CIS-WG) with the term beginning in 2011 and subsequently re-elected chair with term ending in 2014. Dr. Kannry was asked to join in 2010 the NYS ACP Health Information Technology Committee (NYS-ACP HIT) and has subsequently been asked back to continue his work on NYS ACP HIT. . In 2012 Dr. Kannry was elected to serve as a member of the Davies Award(Enterprise) Committee for HIMSS. Since Mount Sinai was involved in submitting a Davies Award application at the time, Dr. Kannry was recused till 2013. As Chair of the AMIA CIS-WG, he has launched an annual debate on Informatics issues involving multiple workgroups at Fall AMIA. In 2012, under his leadership the CIS-WG lead a presympoisum spanning multiple workgroups on learning from HIT Success and Failure.
One focus of Dr. Kannry’s career has been how best to integrate Informatics into operational settings. For the Fall 2011 AMIA CMIO Workshop, he worked as a member of the workshop curriculum committee at which he was a presenter at as well. In 2013 the AMIA Board of Directors appointed him Chair of a Task Force on CCIO (Chief Clinical Informatics Officers) Education and Skillsets.
Dr. Kannry has presented at several conferences, lectured at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health and the University of Vancouver (remote seminar), provided education on Meaningful Use to the NY Chapter of the American College of Physicians and has been cited by the Journal of the American Medical Association, MIT Technology Review, Medinfo, HIMSS’ Digital Office, PC Week, Washington Post, the New York Daily News, and Crain’s Health Pulse. He is also the creative force behind, the content director of and monthly moderator of an AMIA podcast Talking Informatics which addressed issues in Clinical Informatics by bringing the science to the issues of the day. His lab’s paper “The Relationship of Usability to Medical Error: An Evaluation of Errors Associated with Usability Problems in the Use of a Handheld Application for Prescribing Medications” won the silver medal at the 11th World Congress of Informatics, Medinfo 2004. He is also author of four book chapters: “CPOE and Patient Safety: Panacea or Pandora’s Box” in the 2007 book Medical Informatics: An Executive Primer, “Operationalizing the Science: Integrating Clinical Informatics into the Daily Operations of the Medical Center” in 2008 book The Human and Social Side of Health Information Systems and “Meaningful Usability: Health Care Information Technology for the Rest of Us"in the 2011 book Medical Informatics: An Executive Primer Second Edition and “ Integrating Genomic Test Results and Decision Support at the Point of Care: Genomics and the EHR 2012 (In Press). His research which has been internationally published has focused on Clinical Decision Support (CDS), Usability, integration of Genomic CDS into the EHR, and operationalizing Informatics. Dr. Kannry was Co-PI for a 1.5 million grant award by AHRQ to study the integration of Clinical Prediction Rules into a Commercial EMR and an investigator and Epic Lead on the eMerge2 grant which seeks to integrate genomic information at the point of care. In his capacity as Epic Lead he a member of the eMERGE EHR Integration Workgroup
In 2004, Dr. Kannry successfully led the Ambulatory EMR Selection process for Mount Sinai Medical Center and since 2005 he has been the Lead Technical Informaticist for the EMR Clinical Transformation Group. In his latest work as Lead Technical Informaticist, he oversees the Personal Health Record implementation, Enterprise Clinical Decision Support, mobile solutions for EHR access, EHR Clinical Research Integration and assists with the Ambulatory EHR implementation for both the Hospital Based Practices and Faculty Practice Associates which encompasses over 800,000 visits, as well as the Inpatient Implementation which includes a 1130 bed hospital with approximately 56,000 discharges and the EMR rollout to Voluntary Physicians as well as working to support Mount Sinai's ACO. In 2013 Mount Sinai was recipient of the prestigious 2012 Davies Award for Enterprise EHR. The Davies award recognizes “outstanding achievement in the implementation and value” from EHRs.
Hospital Affiliations
- The Mount Sinai Hospital
About Me
Joseph Kannry, MD - Lead Technical Informaticist, EMR Clinical Transformation Group, Mount Sinai Health System and Professor of Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Dr. Kannry is a practicing board certified Internist at Mount Sinai’s IMA (Internal Medicine Associates). He has dual appointments in IT and Medicine at Mount Sinai Health System. Dr. Kannry is a Board Certified Clinical Informaticist and a graduate of the Yale Center for Medical Informatics, a National Library of Medicine training program in Informatics. Dr. Kannry is a frequent contributor to AMIA and HIMSS and was/is a member of the AMIA Task Force on Guidelines for the Clinical Use of Electronic Mail with Patients, AMIA Task Force on Applied Informatics, AMIA's Education Committee, AMIA’s Public Policy Committee, HIMSS’Ambulatory EMR Knowledge Resource Task Force, HL7 EHR Ambulatory Care Large Minimum Function Set: Ambulatory Care-Large, HISTP, Greater New York Hospital Association IT Steering Committee Chairman of Clinical Advisory Group for NYCLIX (New York Clinical Information Exchange), member of NYCLIX Steering Committee/Board, NYS ACP, Health Information Technology Committee, and the NYS/NYeC Collaborative Care Workgroup. Dr. Kannry was a member of the Scientific Program Committee for ITCH (Information Technology and Communications in Healthcare) 2007, the Fall 2011 AMIA Scientific Program Committee, and the 2014 iHealth Conference.
Of late he has been appointed a Contributor to the AMIA Usability Task Force which will establish a set of guiding principles and recommended policy actions related to electronic health record usability practice – design, evaluation, and testing. In 2009 he was elected Chair of the AMIA Clinical Information System Working Group (CIS-WG) with the term beginning in 2011 and subsequently re-elected chair with term ending in 2014. Dr. Kannry was asked to join in 2010 the NYS ACP Health Information Technology Committee (NYS-ACP HIT) and has subsequently been asked back to continue his work on NYS ACP HIT. . In 2012 Dr. Kannry was elected to serve as a member of the Davies Award(Enterprise) Committee for HIMSS. Since Mount Sinai was involved in submitting a Davies Award application at the time, Dr. Kannry was recused till 2013. As Chair of the AMIA CIS-WG, he has launched an annual debate on Informatics issues involving multiple workgroups at Fall AMIA. In 2012, under his leadership the CIS-WG lead a presympoisum spanning multiple workgroups on learning from HIT Success and Failure.
One focus of Dr. Kannry’s career has been how best to integrate Informatics into operational settings. For the Fall 2011 AMIA CMIO Workshop, he worked as a member of the workshop curriculum committee at which he was a presenter at as well. In 2013 the AMIA Board of Directors appointed him Chair of a Task Force on CCIO (Chief Clinical Informatics Officers) Education and Skillsets.
Dr. Kannry has presented at several conferences, lectured at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health and the University of Vancouver (remote seminar), provided education on Meaningful Use to the NY Chapter of the American College of Physicians and has been cited by the Journal of the American Medical Association, MIT Technology Review, Medinfo, HIMSS’ Digital Office, PC Week, Washington Post, the New York Daily News, and Crain’s Health Pulse. He is also the creative force behind, the content director of and monthly moderator of an AMIA podcast Talking Informatics which addressed issues in Clinical Informatics by bringing the science to the issues of the day. His lab’s paper “The Relationship of Usability to Medical Error: An Evaluation of Errors Associated with Usability Problems in the Use of a Handheld Application for Prescribing Medications” won the silver medal at the 11th World Congress of Informatics, Medinfo 2004. He is also author of four book chapters: “CPOE and Patient Safety: Panacea or Pandora’s Box” in the 2007 book Medical Informatics: An Executive Primer, “Operationalizing the Science: Integrating Clinical Informatics into the Daily Operations of the Medical Center” in 2008 book The Human and Social Side of Health Information Systems and “Meaningful Usability: Health Care Information Technology for the Rest of Us"in the 2011 book Medical Informatics: An Executive Primer Second Edition and “ Integrating Genomic Test Results and Decision Support at the Point of Care: Genomics and the EHR 2012 (In Press). His research which has been internationally published has focused on Clinical Decision Support (CDS), Usability, integration of Genomic CDS into the EHR, and operationalizing Informatics. Dr. Kannry was Co-PI for a 1.5 million grant award by AHRQ to study the integration of Clinical Prediction Rules into a Commercial EMR and an investigator and Epic Lead on the eMerge2 grant which seeks to integrate genomic information at the point of care. In his capacity as Epic Lead he a member of the eMERGE EHR Integration Workgroup
In 2004, Dr. Kannry successfully led the Ambulatory EMR Selection process for Mount Sinai Medical Center and since 2005 he has been the Lead Technical Informaticist for the EMR Clinical Transformation Group. In his latest work as Lead Technical Informaticist, he oversees the Personal Health Record implementation, Enterprise Clinical Decision Support, mobile solutions for EHR access, EHR Clinical Research Integration and assists with the Ambulatory EHR implementation for both the Hospital Based Practices and Faculty Practice Associates which encompasses over 800,000 visits, as well as the Inpatient Implementation which includes a 1130 bed hospital with approximately 56,000 discharges and the EMR rollout to Voluntary Physicians as well as working to support Mount Sinai's ACO. In 2013 Mount Sinai was recipient of the prestigious 2012 Davies Award for Enterprise EHR. The Davies award recognizes “outstanding achievement in the implementation and value” from EHRs.
Hospital Affiliations
- The Mount Sinai Hospital