Judith L Howe

Judith L Howe, PhD, DSW

About Me

Dr. Howe is Professor in the Brookdale Department of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine, with a secondary appointment in the Department of  Environmental Medicine and Public Health. She is also Associate Director/Education and Evaluation and Deputy Director, VISN 2 Geriatrics Research, Education and Clinical Center (GRECC) at the James J. Peters VAMC.

Dr. Howe’s career interests include gerontology and geriatrics education, geriatrics workforce development,  program evaluation, interprofessional teamwork, community-based services, curriculum development, rural health issues, and public policy. She is the co-founder and chair of the Board of Directors of Linkage House, a housing model with integrated social and health services for lower income older people in East Harlem that is funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. She has received substantial funding to develop the geriatrics and gerontology workforce from the Health Services Resources and Services Administration of  DHHS and the VA Office of Rural Health.

Dr. Howe has presented at numerous national meetings, published a number of peer-reviewed manuscripts and book chapters, and edited or co-edited three books on aging. She is the past Editor-in-Chief of Gerontology and Geriatrics Education, the official journal of the Academy of Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE) of the Gerontological Society of America. Dr. Howe was the President and then Chair of AGHE, a Board member and President of the State Society on Aging of New York, and a Board member and President of the National Association of Geriatric Education Centers/National Association for Geriatric Education. She is a Fellow of the New York Academy of Medicine, Academy for Gerontology in Higher Education, and the Gerontological Society of America.


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