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Julie B Schnur, PhD


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About Me

I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Population Health Science and Policy (with a secondary appointment in Psychiatry), a member of the Center for Behavioral Oncology, Co-Director of the Integrative Behavioral Medicine Program, and a licensed clinical psychologist. My overall program of research is focused on understanding patients’ experiences of cancer and its treatment, and on developing psychological interventions to help reduce symptoms and improve quality of life during cancer treatment, and to train cancer care providers in sensitive practice and evidence-based psychological interventions to help their patients. My clinical work is focused on helping  women with breast cancer to manage emotional distress and physical side-effects associated with the disease and its treatment, at all stages of care. In my clinical work at the Dubin Breast Center, I incorporate both traditional psychotherapeutic approaches (e.g., cognitive-behavioral therapy) and complementary mind-body approaches (e.g., hypnosis) into my work with patients. I am available to help patients with problem-solving, stress management, managing treatment side effects such as pain and fatigue, adjusting to cancer-related changes, transitioning to survivorship, enhancing wellness, and consider it an honor to provide support throughout the cancer journey.

ASSOCIATE CLINICAL PROFESSOR | Population Health Science and Policy
Hospital Affiliations
  • The Mount Sinai Hospital
Research Topics

Behavioral Health, Breast Cancer, Cancer, Complimentary/Alternative/Integrative Medicine, Education, Pain