Khaula Khatlani

Khaula Khatlani, MBBS

About Me

Khaula Khatlani MD MSc, has dual board certification in Occupational Medicine, and Public Health and General Preventive Medicine. Dr. Khatlani graduated from DOW Medical College, Karachi, Pakistan and completed both her residency (Preventive Medicine) and a clinical fellowship in Occupational and Environmental Medicine at Yale. Previously, Dr. Khatlani was the recipient of the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) Fogarty Fellowship in Trauma and Injury Prevention and completed epidemiological training at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. She became the Worker Health Protection Program (WHPP) Medical Director in 2022, which is a Department of Energy (DOE) funded medical surveillance program for former nuclear industry (DOE) workers. WHPP is administered by the Barry Commoner Center for Health and the Environment at Queens College, City University of New York. Prior to joining WHPP, Dr. Khatlani was the Medical Director of the Occupational Health Clinic at Bristol Health System and has conducted research on injury prevention, intimate partner and workplace violence.

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