Lauren Peccoralo
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Lauren Peccoralo, MD, MPH

Internal Medicine, Primary Care

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About Me

Lauren Peccoralo, MD, MPH, is the Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Well-Being and Development and a Professor in the Department of Medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.  In her well-being role, Dr. Peccoralo has developed a robust Faculty Well-being Program and curriculum with a network of over 30 Faculty Well-being Champions across MSHS departments and sites. In addition, she has developed a leadership workshop for leaders to gain skills and knowledge in showing appreciation for and coaching their team members.  She has also helped support efforts to improve workplace efficiency and in turn, professional fulfillment, via inbasket burden reduction efforts and a faculty electronic health record and clerical burden reduction ambulatory grant program. In her faculty development role, she aims to address career development needs of junior faculty; create and collaborate on leadership development opportunities for faculty; enhance career advancement workshops; and create and promote mentorship programming.   

Prior to her work in her current role, Dr. Peccoralo co-founded and directed the Primary Care Track in Internal Medicine and founded and developed an integrated behavioral health - primary program in the Internal Medicine Associates practice.  She publishes and presents nationally on primary care workforce development, integration of behavioral and physical healthcare, innovations in medical education and health care worker well-being and burnout.

Dr. Peccoralo graduated from Princeton University and earned her MD and Masters in Public Health from Mount Sinai School of Medicine.  She completed her internal medicine residency, chief residency and general medicine fellowship also at Mount Sinai. Dr. Peccoralo is a practicing primary care physician and educator of medical students, residents and faculty.

English, Spanish
PROFESSOR | Medicine, General Internal Medicine, PROFESSOR | Medical Education, SENIOR ASSOCIATE DEAN FOR FACULTY WELL-BEING AND DEVELOPMENT | Medicine, General Internal Medicine
Hospital Affiliations
  • The Mount Sinai Hospital