Lisa C Litt
Mount Sinai Verified Doctors IconMount Sinai Doctors

Lisa C Litt, MD


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About Me

Dr. Litt is a Clinical Psychologist specializing in the integrated treatment of traumatic stress and substance use.  She is currently Assistant Professor and Assistant Director of the Concentration in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Counseling at the New School for Social Research. Dr. Litt is a member of the Executive Committee and Past-President of the New York State Psychological Association Division on Addictions. She is Co-Chair of the Board of Directors of Moderation Management. She holds additional Adjunct Faculty appointments at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Adelphi University and Teachers College, Columbia University.  She has been consultant, trainer and clinical supervisor of psychotherapy studies funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.  She has co-authored a book entitled Trauma Services for Women in Substance Abuse Treatment and is currently working on a new book for clinicians about integrating treatment for trauma and addiction. Dr. Litt completed her undergraduate education at the University of Pennsylvania and received her masters and doctorate in clinical psychology at Adelphi University.  Dr. Litt also maintains a private practice in New York City.

Hospital Affiliations
  • Mount Sinai Morningside
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