Lynne D Richardson, MD
Emergency Medicine
About Me
Dr. Lynne D. Richardson is Professor of Emergency Medicine, Professor of Population Health Science and Policy, Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Human Health, and founding Co-Director of the Institute for Health Equity Research at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Dr. Richardson is a practicing emergency physician and a nationally recognized expert in health services research, focusing on access to care and healthcare disparities. Her work has been funded by the National Institutes of Health, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid. She is skilled in the use of clinical and administrative data to investigate issues of access, quality and equity; in developing and assessing the effectiveness of strategies to eliminate healthcare disparities; and in designing innovative models of care. She is an expert on community engagement and a national thought leader in the ethics of conducting emergency research; her "Community VOICES" studies have defined best practices for community consultation for research conducted with an exception from informed consent. In 2012, she received a Health Care Innovation Award from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid to implement a new model of emergency care for older adults.
Dr. Richardson is particularly committed to collaborations that involve multidisciplinary team science. She currently leads the New York City Sickle Cell Implementation Science Consortium and is a PI for the New York City Center of the Prevention and Early Treatment of Acute Lung Injury (PETAL) Clinical Trials Research Network, which is currently conducting several COVID-related trials. Dr. Richardson has a strong track record of mentoring young investigators to productive academic careers: she was Director of an NHLBI-funded K12 Research Career Development Programs in Emergency Medicine and of the nation’s first T32 Research Fellowship Program in Emergency Care Research.
Dr. Richardson, who has made highly influential contributions to eliminating healthcare disparities in both the research and policy arenas, is a member of the National Academy of Medicine and serves on the Board on Health Sciences Policy of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. She is the Chair of the Health Services: Quality and Effectiveness Study Section and a member of the New York City Board of Health. She previously served on the Advisory Committee to the Director (ACD) of the Centers for Disease Control and chaired their Health Disparities Subcommittee. Dr. Richardson is a Past Chair of the American College of Emergency Physicians Public Health Committee and a current member of the Board of Trustees of the Emergency Medicine Foundation.
A native of Harlem, New York, Dr. Richardson holds Bachelor’s degrees in Life Sciences and in Management from the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology and an MD degree from Albert Einstein College of Medicine. She completed the Emergency Medicine Residency at Jacobi Hospital/Albert Einstein College of Medicine and later completed an AHRQ-funded fellowship in health services research. Dr. Richardson has been board certified in Emergency Medicine since 1985 and is a Fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians and of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine.
Regional / National Committees / Advisory Boards:
Board on Health Sciences Policy of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
National Academy of Medicine
Health Services: Quality and Effectiveness Study Section
American Board of Emergency Medicine Oral Board Examiner
American College of Emergency Physicians Research Committee
Emergency Medicine Foundation Board of Trustees
American Board of Emergency Medicine
Clinical Focus
• Cardiac Arrest
• Seasonal Influenza
• Healthcare Disparities
• Emergency Department Management of Sickle Cell Anemia
• Asymptomatic Hypertension
• COVID-19 Disparities
Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Bachelor of Science in Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Doctor of Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Residency, Internal Medicine, College of Physicians & Surgeons of Columbia University, Harlem Hospital Center
Residency, Emergency Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Jacobi Hospital Center
Outstanding Achievement in Research, American College of Emergency Physicians
“Fifty over Fifty Award”, City & State NY Magazine
Elected to the National Academy of Medicine, (formerly known as the Institute of Medicine)
Abigail & Gary Conrad Emergency Medicine Research Award, University of Pennsylvania
“Super Doctor”, New York Times Sunday Magazine
Top Black Doctors in New York Metro Area, The Network Journal
Mount Sinai Jacobi Medallion, Icahn School of Medicine
The Dr. Sidney Grossman Distinguished Humanitarian Award
Outstanding Health Care Leadership Award, Mount Sinai Center for Multicultural and Community Affairs
Raising our Voices Women Leaders in Medicine Award, American Medical Student Association
Marcus L. Martin MD Leadership Award, Society of Academic Emergency Medicine
Dr. Beny Primm Lifetime Achievement Award, Mentoring in Medicine, Inc.
Lifetime Achievement in Teaching,Mount Sinai Institute of Medical Education
Hero of Emergency Medicine, American College of Emergency Physicians
Top Minority Women in Science and Engineering, National Technical Association
Teacher of the Year Award, American Association of Women Emergency Physicians
M.I.T. Distinguished Black Alumnae Award, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Colin C. Rorrie, Jr. Award for Excellence in Health Policy, American College of Emergency Physicians
Improving Emergency Care Award, New York Chapter American College of Emergency Physicians
Founding Co-Director, Mount Sinai Institute for Health Equity Research (2020 – Present): This transdisciplinary research Institute was established to examine the causes and magnitude of health and health care disparities affecting nonwhite, low-income, immigrant, uninsured, LGBTQ+, and other vulnerable populations across all ages, abilities, and genders. The Institute devises, tests, and implements innovative solutions to eliminate disparities in health while fostering long-term collaborations with community organizations and policymakers to achieve health equity.
Principal Investigator (MPI), The NIH FIRST Cohort Cluster Hiring Initiative at ISMMS (2021 – 2026), an NIH-funded initiative designed to accelerate inclusive excellence at Mount Sinai as well as in the national biomedical research enterprise by 1) fostering sustainable culture/climate change; 2) promoting inclusive excellence by hiring a diverse cohort of new early-career faculty; and 3) supporting faculty development, mentoring, sponsorship, and promotion.
Co-Investigator, New York City Community Engagement Research Alliance (NYCEAL) Against COVID-19 Disparities, (2021 – 2022): NYCEAL represents an NIH-funded coalition of academic, community, health, and government stakeholders committed to eliminating COVID-19 associated health and social disparities.
Principal Investigator, Predicting Risk and Investigating Outcomes using Patient-Reported and Community Level Data (PRIORity), (2020 – Present). A longitudinal cohort study of randomly-selected emergency department adult patients with common chronic illnesses.
Principal Investigator, Mount Sinai Site, Biology and Longitudinal Epidemiology of PETAL COVID-19 Observational Study (BLUE CORAL), (2020 – 2021). A supplement to the NIH-funded Prevention and Early Treatment of Acute Lung Injury (PETAL) Network to conduct a multi-center, prospective observational study of adult patients hospitalized with COVID-19, which includes collection of biospecimens and 6-month follow up.
Principal Investigator, Mount Sinai Site, COVID Evaluation of Risk for Emergency Departments (COVERED). (2020 – 2021) A CDC-funded prospective cohort study to understand the risk of acquiring COVID-19 infection associated with providing ED care during the pandemic among emergency department providers.
Principal Investigator, Mount Sinai Site, PETAL Repository of Electronic Data COVID-19 Observational Study (RED CORAL), (2020 – 2021). A supplement to the NIH-funded Prevention and Early Treatment of Acute Lung Injury (PETAL) Network to conduct a multi-center, retrospective observational study of adult patients hospitalized with COVID-19, with 30 day outcomes.
Principal Investigator, Mount Sinai Site, Accelerating Covid-19 Therapeutic Interventions and Vaccines (ACTIV) ACTIV-3 Platform, (2021 – Present). An NIH-sponsored Multicenter, Adaptive, Randomized Controlled Platform for Phase 3 randomized, placebo-controlled, trials testing multiple therapies, beginning with monoclonal antibodies but including other types of therapeutics.
Principal Investigator, Mount Sinai Site, Accelerating Covid-19 Therapeutic Interventions and Vaccines (ACTIV) ACTIV-4 ACUTE Protocol, (2021 – Present). An NIH-sponsored Multicenter, Adaptive, Randomized Controlled Platform Trial of the Safety and Efficacy of Antithrombotic Strategies in Hospitalized Adults with COVID-19.
Principal Investigator, New York City Sickle Cell Implementation Science Consortium, (2016 – 2022). Funded by the NIH/National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute, the New York City Sickle Cell Implementation Science Consortium executes implementation studies to address the needs of adolescents and adults with sickle cell disease in urban populations, with a focus on improving both emergency care and comprehensive care.
Principal Investigator and Program Director, Mount Sinai Clinician Scientist Training Program in Emergency Care Research. (2016 – 2021). An NHLBI- funded institutional T32 research training fellowship program to train postdoctoral clinician-scientists in emergency care research. Includes a short-term research training program for predoctoral students from under-represented minority groups.
Principal Investigator, Mount Sinai Site, Primary Palliative Care for Emergency Medicine, (2018 – 2022). An NIH-funded multicenter study that tailors a primary palliative care intervention for a diverse group of emergency departments across the country and test its impact on ED disposition, health care utilization, and survival in older adults with serious, life-limiting illness.
Principal Investigator, Sinai Site. Crystalloid Liberal or Vasopressors Early Resuscitation in Sepsis (CLOVERS), (2018 – Present). An NIH-funded multicenter, prospective, phase 3 randomized, non-blinded, interventional trial of a restrictive fluids strategy versus a liberal fluid strategy in patients with sepsis-induced hypotension.
Principal Investigator, Community VOICES 3: Views on Informed Consent in Emergency Situations, (2013 – 2018). NIH/National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute. A competitive continuation of Community VOICES 2, this was a multicenter mixed methods study of clinical trials being conducted with an exception from informed consent for emergency research.
Principal Investigator and Program Director, “GEDI WISE: Geriatric Emergency Department Innovations in care through Workforce, Informatics, and Structural Enhancements”. (2012 – 2016). Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. A $12.7M round one Health Care Innovations Award to provide clinical, workforce, and informatics enhancements to geriatric emergency care that are projected to improve patient outcomes while also producing a cost savings to Medicare and Mount Sinai of over $40 million over three years.
Principal Investigator and Program Director, “Mount Sinai Emergency Medicine Research Career Development Program”. (2011-2017). National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. An institutional (K12) career development program for junior faculty to develop the clinical research skills needed for emergency department investigations of severe trauma and life threatening cardiac, respiratory, and blood disorders.
Principal Investigator, "Community VOICES: Views on Informed Consent in Emergency Situations" pka "Research without Consent: The Community Perspective". (2003 – 2007). National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute (RO1HL73387). An observational cohort study of individuals who live and work in the NYC PAD Trial community units to determine the specific factors involved in judging research without consent to be acceptable or unacceptable by community members.
Principal Investigator, New York City Site, “The Public Access Defibrillation Trial” (PAD); (1999 – 2003). National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. A multicenter, randomized, controlled trial of public access defibrillation.
Hospital Affiliations
- The Mount Sinai Hospital
About Me
Dr. Lynne D. Richardson is Professor of Emergency Medicine, Professor of Population Health Science and Policy, Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Human Health, and founding Co-Director of the Institute for Health Equity Research at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Dr. Richardson is a practicing emergency physician and a nationally recognized expert in health services research, focusing on access to care and healthcare disparities. Her work has been funded by the National Institutes of Health, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid. She is skilled in the use of clinical and administrative data to investigate issues of access, quality and equity; in developing and assessing the effectiveness of strategies to eliminate healthcare disparities; and in designing innovative models of care. She is an expert on community engagement and a national thought leader in the ethics of conducting emergency research; her "Community VOICES" studies have defined best practices for community consultation for research conducted with an exception from informed consent. In 2012, she received a Health Care Innovation Award from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid to implement a new model of emergency care for older adults.
Dr. Richardson is particularly committed to collaborations that involve multidisciplinary team science. She currently leads the New York City Sickle Cell Implementation Science Consortium and is a PI for the New York City Center of the Prevention and Early Treatment of Acute Lung Injury (PETAL) Clinical Trials Research Network, which is currently conducting several COVID-related trials. Dr. Richardson has a strong track record of mentoring young investigators to productive academic careers: she was Director of an NHLBI-funded K12 Research Career Development Programs in Emergency Medicine and of the nation’s first T32 Research Fellowship Program in Emergency Care Research.
Dr. Richardson, who has made highly influential contributions to eliminating healthcare disparities in both the research and policy arenas, is a member of the National Academy of Medicine and serves on the Board on Health Sciences Policy of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. She is the Chair of the Health Services: Quality and Effectiveness Study Section and a member of the New York City Board of Health. She previously served on the Advisory Committee to the Director (ACD) of the Centers for Disease Control and chaired their Health Disparities Subcommittee. Dr. Richardson is a Past Chair of the American College of Emergency Physicians Public Health Committee and a current member of the Board of Trustees of the Emergency Medicine Foundation.
A native of Harlem, New York, Dr. Richardson holds Bachelor’s degrees in Life Sciences and in Management from the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology and an MD degree from Albert Einstein College of Medicine. She completed the Emergency Medicine Residency at Jacobi Hospital/Albert Einstein College of Medicine and later completed an AHRQ-funded fellowship in health services research. Dr. Richardson has been board certified in Emergency Medicine since 1985 and is a Fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians and of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine.
Regional / National Committees / Advisory Boards:
Board on Health Sciences Policy of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
National Academy of Medicine
Health Services: Quality and Effectiveness Study Section
American Board of Emergency Medicine Oral Board Examiner
American College of Emergency Physicians Research Committee
Emergency Medicine Foundation Board of Trustees
American Board of Emergency Medicine
Clinical Focus
• Cardiac Arrest
• Seasonal Influenza
• Healthcare Disparities
• Emergency Department Management of Sickle Cell Anemia
• Asymptomatic Hypertension
• COVID-19 Disparities
Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Bachelor of Science in Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Doctor of Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Residency, Internal Medicine, College of Physicians & Surgeons of Columbia University, Harlem Hospital Center
Residency, Emergency Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Jacobi Hospital Center
Outstanding Achievement in Research, American College of Emergency Physicians
“Fifty over Fifty Award”, City & State NY Magazine
Elected to the National Academy of Medicine, (formerly known as the Institute of Medicine)
Abigail & Gary Conrad Emergency Medicine Research Award, University of Pennsylvania
“Super Doctor”, New York Times Sunday Magazine
Top Black Doctors in New York Metro Area, The Network Journal
Mount Sinai Jacobi Medallion, Icahn School of Medicine
The Dr. Sidney Grossman Distinguished Humanitarian Award
Outstanding Health Care Leadership Award, Mount Sinai Center for Multicultural and Community Affairs
Raising our Voices Women Leaders in Medicine Award, American Medical Student Association
Marcus L. Martin MD Leadership Award, Society of Academic Emergency Medicine
Dr. Beny Primm Lifetime Achievement Award, Mentoring in Medicine, Inc.
Lifetime Achievement in Teaching,Mount Sinai Institute of Medical Education
Hero of Emergency Medicine, American College of Emergency Physicians
Top Minority Women in Science and Engineering, National Technical Association
Teacher of the Year Award, American Association of Women Emergency Physicians
M.I.T. Distinguished Black Alumnae Award, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Colin C. Rorrie, Jr. Award for Excellence in Health Policy, American College of Emergency Physicians
Improving Emergency Care Award, New York Chapter American College of Emergency Physicians
Founding Co-Director, Mount Sinai Institute for Health Equity Research (2020 – Present): This transdisciplinary research Institute was established to examine the causes and magnitude of health and health care disparities affecting nonwhite, low-income, immigrant, uninsured, LGBTQ+, and other vulnerable populations across all ages, abilities, and genders. The Institute devises, tests, and implements innovative solutions to eliminate disparities in health while fostering long-term collaborations with community organizations and policymakers to achieve health equity.
Principal Investigator (MPI), The NIH FIRST Cohort Cluster Hiring Initiative at ISMMS (2021 – 2026), an NIH-funded initiative designed to accelerate inclusive excellence at Mount Sinai as well as in the national biomedical research enterprise by 1) fostering sustainable culture/climate change; 2) promoting inclusive excellence by hiring a diverse cohort of new early-career faculty; and 3) supporting faculty development, mentoring, sponsorship, and promotion.
Co-Investigator, New York City Community Engagement Research Alliance (NYCEAL) Against COVID-19 Disparities, (2021 – 2022): NYCEAL represents an NIH-funded coalition of academic, community, health, and government stakeholders committed to eliminating COVID-19 associated health and social disparities.
Principal Investigator, Predicting Risk and Investigating Outcomes using Patient-Reported and Community Level Data (PRIORity), (2020 – Present). A longitudinal cohort study of randomly-selected emergency department adult patients with common chronic illnesses.
Principal Investigator, Mount Sinai Site, Biology and Longitudinal Epidemiology of PETAL COVID-19 Observational Study (BLUE CORAL), (2020 – 2021). A supplement to the NIH-funded Prevention and Early Treatment of Acute Lung Injury (PETAL) Network to conduct a multi-center, prospective observational study of adult patients hospitalized with COVID-19, which includes collection of biospecimens and 6-month follow up.
Principal Investigator, Mount Sinai Site, COVID Evaluation of Risk for Emergency Departments (COVERED). (2020 – 2021) A CDC-funded prospective cohort study to understand the risk of acquiring COVID-19 infection associated with providing ED care during the pandemic among emergency department providers.
Principal Investigator, Mount Sinai Site, PETAL Repository of Electronic Data COVID-19 Observational Study (RED CORAL), (2020 – 2021). A supplement to the NIH-funded Prevention and Early Treatment of Acute Lung Injury (PETAL) Network to conduct a multi-center, retrospective observational study of adult patients hospitalized with COVID-19, with 30 day outcomes.
Principal Investigator, Mount Sinai Site, Accelerating Covid-19 Therapeutic Interventions and Vaccines (ACTIV) ACTIV-3 Platform, (2021 – Present). An NIH-sponsored Multicenter, Adaptive, Randomized Controlled Platform for Phase 3 randomized, placebo-controlled, trials testing multiple therapies, beginning with monoclonal antibodies but including other types of therapeutics.
Principal Investigator, Mount Sinai Site, Accelerating Covid-19 Therapeutic Interventions and Vaccines (ACTIV) ACTIV-4 ACUTE Protocol, (2021 – Present). An NIH-sponsored Multicenter, Adaptive, Randomized Controlled Platform Trial of the Safety and Efficacy of Antithrombotic Strategies in Hospitalized Adults with COVID-19.
Principal Investigator, New York City Sickle Cell Implementation Science Consortium, (2016 – 2022). Funded by the NIH/National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute, the New York City Sickle Cell Implementation Science Consortium executes implementation studies to address the needs of adolescents and adults with sickle cell disease in urban populations, with a focus on improving both emergency care and comprehensive care.
Principal Investigator and Program Director, Mount Sinai Clinician Scientist Training Program in Emergency Care Research. (2016 – 2021). An NHLBI- funded institutional T32 research training fellowship program to train postdoctoral clinician-scientists in emergency care research. Includes a short-term research training program for predoctoral students from under-represented minority groups.
Principal Investigator, Mount Sinai Site, Primary Palliative Care for Emergency Medicine, (2018 – 2022). An NIH-funded multicenter study that tailors a primary palliative care intervention for a diverse group of emergency departments across the country and test its impact on ED disposition, health care utilization, and survival in older adults with serious, life-limiting illness.
Principal Investigator, Sinai Site. Crystalloid Liberal or Vasopressors Early Resuscitation in Sepsis (CLOVERS), (2018 – Present). An NIH-funded multicenter, prospective, phase 3 randomized, non-blinded, interventional trial of a restrictive fluids strategy versus a liberal fluid strategy in patients with sepsis-induced hypotension.
Principal Investigator, Community VOICES 3: Views on Informed Consent in Emergency Situations, (2013 – 2018). NIH/National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute. A competitive continuation of Community VOICES 2, this was a multicenter mixed methods study of clinical trials being conducted with an exception from informed consent for emergency research.
Principal Investigator and Program Director, “GEDI WISE: Geriatric Emergency Department Innovations in care through Workforce, Informatics, and Structural Enhancements”. (2012 – 2016). Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. A $12.7M round one Health Care Innovations Award to provide clinical, workforce, and informatics enhancements to geriatric emergency care that are projected to improve patient outcomes while also producing a cost savings to Medicare and Mount Sinai of over $40 million over three years.
Principal Investigator and Program Director, “Mount Sinai Emergency Medicine Research Career Development Program”. (2011-2017). National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. An institutional (K12) career development program for junior faculty to develop the clinical research skills needed for emergency department investigations of severe trauma and life threatening cardiac, respiratory, and blood disorders.
Principal Investigator, "Community VOICES: Views on Informed Consent in Emergency Situations" pka "Research without Consent: The Community Perspective". (2003 – 2007). National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute (RO1HL73387). An observational cohort study of individuals who live and work in the NYC PAD Trial community units to determine the specific factors involved in judging research without consent to be acceptable or unacceptable by community members.
Principal Investigator, New York City Site, “The Public Access Defibrillation Trial” (PAD); (1999 – 2003). National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. A multicenter, randomized, controlled trial of public access defibrillation.
Hospital Affiliations
- The Mount Sinai Hospital