Stuart G Kessler

Stuart G Kessler, MD

About Me

Dr. Stuart Kessler is a Vice Chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.  He also serves in the capacity of Director of the Emergency Department at Elmhurst Hospital Center. Dr. Kessler is residency trained in both emergency medicine and internal medicine and board certified in emergency medicine. Dr. Kessler joined the Mount Sinai Program in 1995. He has built a strong, academic and clinical program at the Elmhurst Hospital Center Emergency Department by assembling a vibrant faculty with a commitment to clinical training. Dr. Kessler is a highly regarded member of the Elmhurst Medical Faculty and a former President of the Medical Executive Committee.  He continues to serve actively on the Board and Chairs the Hospital's Utilization Review/Case Management Committee. Dr. Kessler has been elected to the New York chapter of the Amercian College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) Board of Directors.  His area of expertise includes trauma, informatics, and Emergency Medicine practice.

Regional / National Committees / Advisory Boards:

NYACEP Board of Directors

Practice Management Committee, NYACEP

NYACEP Representative to MSSNY House of Delegates

Councilor NYACEP

Co-Chair, HHC Trauma Council

National ACEP Emergency Medicine Practice Committee


ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR | Emergency Medicine